


Labor Practices

To keep our employees motivated over the long term, we have set recruitment selection based on an empathy with our corporate philosophy and atmosphere, and we look into not only skills but also values and humanity, such as their aspirations for fashion and our services, how they would contribute to the community, and what kind of people they want to become. In addition, we are improving the environment by examining personnel systems and training based on a fixed-point survey of employees so that they can work in a manner suited to their diverse lifestyles. On the other hand, in order to realize our corporate philosophy, we believe that it is essential for employees to work with fun. To this end, based on the concept of EFM (Employee Friendship Management), we plan and implement measures to build cross-sectional links between employees. We also centrally manage information on employees in the personnel database, and strive to allocate personnel in the right place so that each and every employee can maximize their capabilities.

Acquired ISO 14001 Certification, ISO 45001 Certification, and QMS Certification (ISO 9001 Certification)

We have developed a production support service Made by ZOZO that produces an appropriate amount of products in accordance with demand that only produces goods after receiving customer orders and provides it to our business partner brands. In addition, our Chinese affiliate factory conducts "Made by ZOZO" production, has acquired ISO 14001 Certification, ISO 45001 Certification, and QMS Certification (ISO 9001 Certification).

Group Company Information Location Year and month of certification

ISO Certification

Creating a Comfortable Working Environmen​t /
Occupati​onal​ Health and Safety

We are also working on creating an environment that makes it easier for employees to work. For example, the lounge of ”ZOZOBASE” logistics centers have colored and greener interior furniture, creating a space that differs from a typical ordinally warehouse. This reflects the desire of employees working in the warehouse to relax in the breaktime and to cultivate their sensibilities as employees of a fashion company. In the main office, we are implementing a variety of measures to facilitate communication among employees, such as removing partitions between desks and securing enough meeting spaces. In addition, the Safety and Health Committee holds monthly meetings, which are attended by representatives of workers, observers (industrial physicians) and company representatives. The Committee discusses a comfortable working environment led by employees. The subjects cover these by discussing the status of occupational accidents and the working environment at each site, and by checking overtime hours and the amount of work for employees to discuss the appropriateness.

Occupational Health and Safety and Health Promotion Policy

Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We strive to manage occupational health and safety by complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and internal standards related to occupational health and safety in each country or region where we conduct business.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System
We establish and maintain a system that clearly defines roles and responsibilities at all locations.

Risk Reduction and Continuous Improvement of Workplace Environment
We continuously improve the workplace environment by identifying, eliminating, and reducing potential risks in the workplace.

Realization of safety through the latest technology and manpower saving
We proactively promote the introduction of the latest technology and labor saving to realize a safe workplace.

Safety and health education, training, and awareness activities
We continuously provide education and awareness-raising activities related to occupational health and safety and health promotion to raise awareness.

We engage in smooth communication and promote occupational health and safety activities and health promotion with the participation of all employees.

Support for Health Maintenance
We continuously support mental health measures and health maintenance for all ZOZO Group executives and employees.

Establishment of Employee Representatives

In accordance with the labor-related laws of Japan, we have selected representatives from employees of each business location in a legally mandated manner. These representatives deliberate on changes to employment regulations and the conclusion of labor-management agreements with the corporation.
(*)While we respect the Freedom of Association and the Exercise of the Right to Collective Bargaining in our Basic Human Rights Policy, there is no  labor union at our company.

Living wage

Employees are paid wages above the minimum wage standard, which exceeds the standards that comply with relevant laws and regulations in each country. We are also striving to improve the workplace environment, enhance benefits and welfare in light of the conditions surrounding society.

Specific Initiatives to Reduce Overtime Working Hours

We strive to create a pleasant working environment, giving consideration to work-life balance, so that employees are able to fully demonstrate their abilities.

  • Calculate a forecast of monthly overtime hours in the middle of each month, and request business coordination from managers if there is a possibility of overtime hours exceeding 45 hours.
  • The attendance system will send an alert to managers if overtime hours exceed 30 hours, 45 hours and 60 hours.
  • When overtime exceeds 80 hours, interviews will be conducted with an industrial physician and HR division to discuss future measures.
  • Introduced RPA to streamline operations.(some divisions)

(*)Our company has established work rules based on labor laws and labor-management agreements. These rules cover appropriate working and break times, overtime, late-night work, holidays, and leaves. (Basic Human Rights Policy)

”ZOZOBASE” Logistics Centers

Since safety assurance is a key issue for "ZOZOBASE", we are working to prevent occupational accidents, ensure the safety and health of employees, and create and promote a comfortable working environment.

Establishment of Safety and Health Committee

We have established Safety and Health Committees at each site to report and confirm occupational accidents, overtime, the number and reasons for absenteeism, the status of necessary qualifications and member lists, hazard indications and corrective actions through patrols, and risk assessment updates. The Safety and Health Committee is heldmonthly as required by law.

Safety and Health Committee Structure

Occupational Safety and Health / Preventing Industrial Accidents

In-house inspection score

Score the safety standards and regularly inspect them to check whether they are met.

Truck berth fall prevention fence

From the viewpoint of safety measures, a prevention fence is installed to prevent falling from the truck berth.

  • Truck berth: Space to contact trucks for loading and unloading

Safety awareness poster

Post safety awareness posters with ZOZOBASE concept of Smile Delivery (delivering joy to customers).

Environmental improvement questionnaire

Conduct a questionnaire on the working environment for workers, and make improvements based on the results.

Near-miss questionnaire

Conduct a questionnaire on the experiences of near misses among workers and take measures based on the results.

Provision of free vending machines

Free vending machines are installed for water, tea, and sports drinks.

Provision of salt candy

Distribution of salt candies that can replenish salt.

Spot cooler installation

In addition to cooling equipment, spot coolers are installed.

List of Training Programs Implemented in Fiscal 2023

Training Name Subject Person Participation rate Training details
Post-employment training for new graduates in business division Business division new graduates 100%

・Promotion for understanding of our history, culture, and the operation services

・Deepening the understanding of the company, its services and incleasing the commitment to

・Acquiring the knowledges/manners/business skills that is a foundation of businessperson

Post-employment training for new graduates in development & designer division

Development division new graduates

Designer division new graduates


・Promotion for understanding of our history, culture, and the operation services
・Deepening the understanding of the company, its services and incleasing the commitment to 
・Acquiring the knowledges/manners/business skills that is a foundation of businessperson

Training for new graduates in business division Business division new graduates 100%

・Pre-training for long-term job rotation

・Review of the short-term training and the practices to think about future careers

Training for the  prospective employees in business division Prospective employees in the business division 81%

・Training to prepare the feeling and mind before joining the company

・To learn how to work as an employee

・To deepen the image of working and personalize the idea of becoming a member of society

Training for the prospective employee and new graduates in development & designer divisions

Development division new graduates

Designer division new graduates

100% ・Training to prepare the feeling and mind before joining the company
・To learn how to work as an employee 
 ・Practical training to confirm development skills
Study sessions for new section chief New section chief 100% ・Monthly study sessions for new block managers
・Lectures by HR, General Affairs, and Administration on the initial mental attitude and TODOs as a manager
Management workshop  for new section chief New section chief 79%(Average) ・Opportunities to learn about management skills (development, evaluation, management) and the mental attitudes
・Knowledge sharing and consultation on management issues
・Held in semi-annual terms in the first and second half of each fiscal year 
Communication work by general manager All general managers 100% ・Practices to deepen relationships on the theme of communication building
ISMS Security training Full-time employees 100% ・Training for security operations in accordance with ISMS operations
Sustainability / SDGs e-learning  Full-time employees


・Training to understand and promote sustainability by establishing various themes such as environment (climate change, waste, biology, natural capital), society (human rights and discrimination, DE&I, women's activities, social contributions), etc
Compliance and DE& I training Full-time employees 100% ・Various themes related to compliance, such as compliance with laws and regulations, prevention of corruption, elimination of harassment, etc., are set up to promote understanding and promotion of compliance with case examples
Compliance and Information security training

Part time

Temporary staff

100% ・Compliance: Various themes related to compliance, such as compliance with laws and regulations, anti-corruption, elimination of harassment, etc. Those are provided and its examples will be used to promote the understandings
・Information security: promote understanding with a focus on data security, data privacy (personal information), and information management
Targeted attack email training Full-time employees 100% ・Training on how to respond to targeted email attacks for security purposes
・Basic knowledge and how to deal with targeted emails using real-life examples
Training for DE&I Management Managers 92% ・Workshop-style training to think about dialogue with and support for members who are different each other, and learn the managements that leverages diversity to create value
Evaluation  workshop  for managers Managers 94% ・Training to learn the key points and to keep in mind when conducting evaluation and feedback
・Discussions on evaluation methods by the position, and sharpen your skills as an evaluator.
E-learning for checking understanding of evaluation guidelines Managers 95% ・To check the level of understanding of the evaluation system, including its purpose, rules, and evaluation errors
・To promote growth and create an environment where employees can reach their full potentials
E-learning for checking understanding of evaluation guidelines General employees 89% ・To check the level of understanding of the evaluation system, including its purpose, rules, and evaluation errors
・To promote growth and create an environment where employees can reach their full potentials
Study sessions of diversity Directors &
Executive Officers
100% ・Study sessions to ensure a solid understanding of DE&I in the organization and that all directors and executive officers are aware of the concept and importance of DE&I
・Learn more about the basic concepts of DE&I, how to put them into practice, and how they can take root in your organization's culture
Compliance training General Manager & the highers 100% ・Compliance-specific training for senior managers
・Increase knowledge and skills to address specific issues
1on1 training Full-time employees (Optional) ・Training to improve communication methods and skills to promote capacity building (problem solving and goal achievement support) in conducting One-on-one  sessions
LY academia female leader class  LY Corporation group employees ・Lectures, talk sessions, and group work by female leaders in the group companies and outside the company for the purpose of developing the next generation of female leaders
・To learn about the mindset, skill set, and team building required as leaders
Mental health care training Full-time employees(Optional) ・Training on understanding staff who need mental health care and how to communicate and follow up with them in such cases
・To promote understanding of mental health care for each staff member
E-learning for employees in security division Directors 75% ・Training to deepen understanding of the purpose, roles, and rules for establishing a security officer
Group security month Full-time employees
・Training to learn security risks, incident mechanisms, risk management, etc., with various themes such as countermeasures based on actual examples of risks and incidents that surround daily life
・CISO messages, company-wide e-learning, special lectures by experts, and security quizzes were held with the aim of raising security awareness
Ideathon (Women's Activity Promotion) Full-time employees
・Training on promotion of women's activities conducted in conjunction with International Women's Day
・Workshops held for staff to talk frankly with each other about women's activities and to come up with ideas for promoting women's activities
Career Interviews (Women's Activity Promotion) Full-time employees
・Training on promotion of women's activities conducted in conjunction with International Women's Day
・Through interviews, participants will hear about the career ideas and working styles by senior female staff members, and consider their own career possibilities.
Career Design Training (Women's Activity Promotion) Full-time employees
・Training on promotion of women's activities conducted in conjunction with International Women's Day
・Opportunity to review yourself and think about who you want to be and what you want to achieve in the future
Career Design Training Full-time employees
・Training to understand diversity and to create an organization that can deliver results (communication, management)
Diversity Training Full-time employees
・Workshop-style training to reflect on your own career and think about who you want to be and what you want to achieve in the future

Career Survey and Engagement Survey

We regularly conduct Career Surveys to enhance employees' employability for the future, setting goals and actions to measure performance and address skill gaps. Additionally, we believe that increased employee engagement and motivation contribute to organizational vitality and strengthen competitiveness.Therefore, we aim to create a fulfilling workplace environment and conduct Engagement Surveys every two months, with questions related to job satisfaction, job purpose, happiness, stress, and more.

management by objectives

Once a half year, each employee sets goals based on the mission and vision of the organization. After the half year, each employee reviews his/her performance such as results and actions against the grade definitions, value actions, and goals.

self-declaration system

Once a year, we implement a system in which employees could request a transfer and tell their future career plans.

Benefits and Welfare

We provide an office environment that makes the most of individual characteristics and allows our employees to demonstrate their maximum performance, as well as various systems to improve our technological capabilities.
Benefits and Welfare

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We are aiming to realize the future in which all valuable individualities around the world are connected by fashion under the corporate philosophy "Inspire the world. Deliver joy every day." We also conduct diversity management and establish systems that everyone can perform their “work” in the ways they like. There are many employees who love fashion due to the characteristics of the business, and a unique corporate culture where each of the employees enjoys unique fashion, mutually understand, and respect their individuality through fashion, and value diversity, has been developed. In addition, active communication is born within a flat organization,regardless of position or seniority. This ensures diversity in promotion to managerial positions and core human resources beyond borders of gender, nationality, and mid-career workers. We will grow in terms of both business operations and employees’ capability, utilizing this environment for human resource development.

KPI and Results

Sustainability Four Key Actions KPI Target Target year FY2023
Promote diversity, equity & inclusion among everyone involved in fashion Ratio of Female Directors 30% or more 2030 45.5%

Ratio of women in senior management positions

(general managers and above)

30% or more 2030 12.8%
Ratio of women in  management positions※1 40% 2030 24.2%

Gender pay gap ratio


60% 2030 56.4%

Gender pay gap ratio

(permanent employees)※1※2

80% 2030 73.0%

Gender pay gap ratio

(non-permanent employees)※1※2

106% 2030 103.9%

Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave


100% 2030 69.1%

Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave

(permanent employees)※1

100% 2030 67.4%

Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave

(non-permanent employees)※1

100% 2030 77.8%

※1 ZOZO group coverage:94.3%

※2 Ratio of women's average annual wages to men's average annual wages

Human Resource Development Policy for Securing Diversity

With regard to the internal environment for human resource development, we provide a variety of training programs for general employees, managers, and all employees, including training to learn the basic knowledge necessary for business promotion and diversity promotion training. For managers, we regularly provide feedback in line with selection evaluation standards, deepen vertical and horizontal cooperation within managers, and provide support for working styles according to the home environment and life stage. In addition, we provide detailed follow-up. We will further enhance our human resources strategy and human capital system to improve corporate value over the medium to long term.

Internal Environmental Improvement Policy to Ensure Diversity

We conduct diversity management, and are working to create a system that understands each other's diversity, such as gender (including gender orientation and independence), nationality, and values, and supports a variety of work styles tailored to individual lifestyles. Our internal guidelines recognize same-sex partners and our employees are eligible for internal systems such as vacation and congratulatory or condolence, regardless of the partner's gender. In order to promote correct awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ among our employees, we have held internal seminars and also changed the ZOZOTOWN service logo to Rainbow Color in order to show our solidarity with LGBTQ+. In recognition of these LGBTQ+ initiatives in our workplaces, we have received the highest "Gold" rating in "PRIDE Index 2022." We also implement initiatives related to foreign nationality and religion, and when it is necessary to respond to nationality or religion, we prepare and improve such areas, such as by providing space for prayers upon request. We are also focusing on creating a comfortable working environment for employees who work while raising children regardless of gender. Our take-up rate for childcare leave is at 100% for women and  67.4% permanent employees for men (as of March 2024), and the rate of return to work after maternity leave and childcare leave is extremely high at 100% (as of March 2024). In spring, when there are many people returning to work every year, we provide opportunities to share information and exchange information. In addition, we plan events that allow employees to participate voluntarily during the childcare leave, and we are working to support employees in balancing childcare. Furthermore, we have conducted training for our employees to deepen their understanding of unconscious bias, ensuring they are aware of any inadvertent prejudices, assumptions, and stereotypical thinking that might influence their behavior.

Emphasizing Diversity

In the Basic Human Rights Policy, we have declared the following regarding the importance of diversity.

"We respect all people as individuals and do not tolerate discrimination or any disadvantageous treatment on the basis of political beliefs, ideologies, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical features, illnesses, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, etc. We provide equal opportunity in recruitment, evaluation, development, placement, remuneration, promotion, executive appointment, etc., and foster a work environment in which our diverse workforce can play an active role."

2023 Pride Month Initiatives

Participated in DE&I・LGBTQ+ awareness events sponsored by LVMH Japan

2022 Pride Month Initiatives

Unconscious Bias

Our company firmly believes that to enhance employee diversity, increase the ratio of women in managerial positions, and correct the gender pay gap, it is crucial to eliminate unconscious bias. Therefore, we have addressed unconscious bias within our "DE&I Management Training" aimed at executives. Feedback from post-training surveys has been enlightening, with responses indicating that participants learned to recognize and strategize against their own biases and gained a renewed understanding that unconscious bias affects everyone. We are committed to continuing our efforts to raise awareness of unconscious bias and to creating an environment where everyone can flourish while being true to themselves.

Women Empowerment

We have formulated and are working on a General Employer Action Plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life. Our employee composition ratio is 42.7% female and 57.3% male (March, 2024). At positions above the manager level, the ratio is 24.2% female (March, 2024), which is higher than domestic average of 12.7%※. In addition, employees who serve as role models, such as executive officers, take the lead in implementing meat-ups. We will continue to recognize the unconscious bias and, while valuing diversity and promoting initiatives to encourage more active participation by female employees and strive to improve the ratio of female managers, based on the principle of promoting appropriate human resources to promote management strategies.※Average of women’s manager ratio is based on “Basic Survey of Gender Equality in Employment Management,2022” (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)

Employment of the Handicapped

As of June 2024, our company employs a workforce consisting of 3.35% individuals with disabilities, exceeding the statutory employment rate. They are an essential part of various departments, including our management division, customer support division and merchandize control division. We aim to make our company a place where every employee (with or without handicap) can work easily and in an environment that supports them fully.

Sales of the Breads Manufactured by Students of Special-Needs Schools at ZOZOBASE Logistics Center

Appointment of Foreigners as core human resources

We have group companies in the United States, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam, etc., and have appointed foreigners as directors of each group company. We will continue to value diversity in our workforce, and recruit appropriate personnel. In the event that overseas business experience is needed to promote management strategies, we will recruit appropriate personnel regardless of their nationality.

Promoting Experienced Hires to Key Roles

In fiscal 2023, we hired 171 new mid-career employees (100 men and 71 women). We have appointed many mid-career recruits as managers and core human resources, including all executive directors and executive officers who are hired mid-career. Regardless of whether new graduates or mid-career hires, we will continue to value diversity and promote appropriate human resources.

Social Contribution Activities

ZOZO Group is working together with its stakeholders to resolve environmental and social issues by utilizing fashion and technology with the aim of realizing its corporate philosophy of "Inspire the world. Deliver joy every day."

KPI and Results

Sustainability Four Key Actions KPI Target Target year FY2023
Contribute to sustainable community development By 2030, Contribute to the revitalisation of local communities, by 'connecting' with one million next-generation people under 20 years old. 1 million 2030 272,490

Community Relations

Aiming to "Contribute to sustainable community development," which is one of four Key actions, we are implementing a variety of initiatives in collaboration with everyone, particularly in the regions where we operate.

Comprehensive Collaboration Agreement with Chiba City and Chiba University

In February 2019, we made comprehensive collaboration agreements with Chiba City and Chiba University. The agreement with Chiba City is aimed at promoting collaboration that effectively utilizes the resources and expertise of both parties, enhancing the individuality and attractiveness of the city from both the corporate and administrative perspectives, developing towns that will lead to the future, and further vitalizing the region. The agreement with Chiba University also aims to contribute to local communities by promoting academia and culture and vitalizing local economies through the exchange of human and intellectual resources.

Comprehensive Collaboration Agreement with Chiba City and Chiba University

Participated in the Chiba Entrepreneurship Educational Consortium Seedlings of Chiba, a partnership between industry, academia, and government

We participated in the Chiba Entrepreneurship Educational Consortium Seedlings of Chiba, a partnership between industry, academia, and government. We are working to create opportunities to foster entrepreneurship among children who will lead the next-generation industry.

Comprehensive Collaboration Agreement with Tsukuba City

We concluded an agreement with Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, on a comprehensive collaboration agreement related to regional revitalization, support for the next generation, and promotion of SDGs. We will promote the revitalization of local communities and support for the next generation, and aim to contribute to the creation of sustainable communities by implementing initiatives that make use of the resources, know-how, and individuality of both parties in close cooperation.

Educational support

Aiming to "Contribute to sustainable community development," which is one of four key actions, we are providing a variety of educational support for the next generation in collaboration with school organizations centered on the regions where we operate.

On-Demand-Delivery Classes

We conduct on-demand-delivery classes at schools in the regions where we operate. We offer a variety of classes on design, data science, and other topics that take advantage of our culture and business characteristics. In FY2023, we delivered On-Demand-Delivery Classes to a total of 8,010 students, from elementary to university level, at 108 schools across the nation.

・We conducted a career experience event inviting children from Tsukuba City at our Logistics Center "ZOZOBASE TSUKUBA 1."
・Implementation of Outreach Programs in Local Elementary, Middle, and High Schools: Supporting Career Education
・Conducted Morality Lessons at an Elementary School in Chiba City
・Implementation of Working Program at Chiba City Tsubakimori Junior High School
・On-Demand-Delivery Class at Elementary and Junior High Schools in Chiba City
・Conducted product planning workshop classes at a junior high school in Chiba City
・On-Demand-Delivery Class by Our Employees at a University in Chiba City
・On-Demand-Delivery Class Held at Senior High School in Chiba City
・"On-Demand-Delivery Class" by ZOZO at junior high schools in Chiba city
・"On-Demand-Delivery Class" by ZOZO at elementary schools in Chiba city
・Participated in the "Honors Program 2021" of Chiba University of Commerce
・On-Demand-Delivery Class to learn about logistics at an elementary school in Chiba City
・On-Demand-Delivery Class of a lecture on data science at a university in Chiba Prefecture
・Lecture on the subject of our company building at a junior high school in Chiba City
・Elementary School Students from Chiba City explore the head office in a Life Environment Studies Class on "Urban Exploration."
・Participated in "Chiba Winter Fes 2022: The World is Connected with Eco" sponsored by Chiba University Student Committee for EMS
・Participated in a Design Workshop sponsored by Chiba University

Career-Education Supplementary Textbook

We distribute Career-education supplementary textbooks that feature information about our company's work and values to approximately 80,000 students. These include second-year junior high students from all public middle schools in Chiba Prefecture, as well as sixth-grade students in Chiba City, Funabashi City, Kashiwa City, Yachiyo City, Narita City, and Inzai City.

Posted on ZOZO's Work in a Career-Education Supplementary Textbook in Chiba

Training for Teachers

We cooperate in the 10th year of Chiba City's training program for teachers, and provide training for them. In addition to our service and operation experience, we also provide support to teachers who guide the next generation by holding workshops on the themes of their caring thoughts and mindsets.

ZOZO Connection, a special benefit program for community-based employees

ZOZO provides employees with ZOZO Connections, a system of preferential treatment tailored to local communities as an initiative aimed at creating a sustainable community by cooperating with restaurants in the regions where we operate. Employees receive benefits to revitalize their communities by actively using and returning benefits to stores in their bases.

Launched "ZOZO Connection," a Special Benefit Program for Community-based Employees

Square in ZOZO

We have set up a "Square in ZOZO" in the space in our head office, which is free of charge as a place for relaxation to neighbors. It is used by a variety of people, including small children and students, and also is used by providing a place for events held in the local community.

Other Initiatives with Regions

・Launched original coffee that appeal of Nishi-Chiba, where ZOZO is headquartered

・Boxed Lunches produced in Ibaraki Prefecture at ZOZOBASE Tsukuba Logistics Center

・Nishi-Chiba-Made Honey for 2022 New Year’s Greetings

・Comprehensive Collaboration Agreement with Chiba City and Chiba University

・Uniforms Designed by ZOZO for the Boys Volleyball Team in Chiba City

・Acquired Pedestrian Bridge Naming Rights in Nishi-Chiba, where ZOZO Head Office is located

・In 2021, the New Head Office was Designed to Produce a New Year's Celebration

・Production of "Temporary Box Art" by Hand Written by Employees at the Construction Site of the Head Office in Nishi-Chiba

・Original Masks Produced by ZOZO are Presented to Elementary Schools in the Vicinity of the Head Office.

Sponsorship Activities

Through various activities related to sports, we aim to Contribute to sustainable community development, which is one of four Key actions.


With the conclusion of sponsorship contracts with the PGA TOUR, the world's leading golf tour management organization, we have been holding the PGA TOUR tournament "ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP" since autumn 2019, the very first time in Japan, in Chiba, our base region. Through the Games, we aim to realize our corporate philosophy and revitalize local communities by delivering excitement and aspirations around the world with the positive power that sports bring, such as golf that is loved across generations, genders, and borders. We also hold charities and volunteer activities for the next generation through the tournament.

ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP official website


In December 2016, we acquired the naming rights of Chiba Marine Stadium, which is located in the regions where we operate. The name of the Stadium was changed to the "ZOZOMARINE STADIUM." In collaboration with relevant parties, such as Chiba City and Chiba Lotte Marines, we are planning various plans for regional revitalization.

・Earning the naming rights of the Chiba Marine Stadium, and renaming it to “ZOZO Marine Stadium”.

・Free Distribution at ZOZOMARINE STADIUM of CHIBA Original uniforms ZOZO Production

・Produced ”Crew Uniforms" for ZOZOMARINE STADIUM Staff


As a main sponsor of a sports facility which is operated by “HONDA ESTILO Co., Ltd.” (the office which a professional soccer player Keisuke HONDA belongs), the Company acquired the naming rights of the facility. The facility was named "ZOZOPARK HONDA FOOTBALL AREA" to express the hope that it will serve as a starting point for the development of new talents, bringing together a large number of people in a variety of generations, mainly from the local community. We are cooperating with HONDA ESTILO Co., Ltd. in a variety of ways to ensure that visitors to our facilities can enjoy and use our services.


Since 2015, we have sponsored JEF UNITED ICHIHARA CHIBA, a professional soccer club based in Chiba, where we operate. With the cooperation of JEF UNITED ICHIHARA CHIBA, we are engaged in the design of uniforms and goods, and are working to revitalize local communities.


We are collaborating as a brand partner with professional basketball club, ALTILI CHIBA, which is based in Chiba, where we operate. In addition to selling original ALTILI CHIBA goods in ZOZOTOWN, we announced the commencement of joint initiatives utilizing our proprietary measurement technology, "ZOZOSUIT," together with the managing company Altiri, Inc., and Chiba University. Through this initiative, we will explore the possibilities of utilizing ZOZOSUIT in the sporting field and aim to contribute to Chiba, where the three parties are based together.

Tegevajaro Miyazaki

We have concluded a Club Vision Promotion Partnership with Tegevajaro Miyazaki, a professional soccer team based in Miyazaki City, where we have our office. We are striving to revitalize local communities mainly through staff at our Miyazaki office, including support for the Academy, which is mainly composed of middle and high school students, and various regional and various measures.

Club Vision Promotion Partnership Agreement with Tegevajaro Miyazaki

Donation / Support / Volunteer

Aiming to "Contribute to sustainable community development," which is one of four Key actions, we provide support activities such as donations and volunteers for various events such as disasters.

Disaster Support

We provide various types of reconstruction assistance, including donations, material support, and sponsorship, to help restore the environment to which many people suffer as soon as possible due to disasters and man-made disasters.

・Full donation of sales proceeds from Ukrainian humanitarian charity T-shirts

・Sponsored and first participated in "TOUR de TOHOKU"

・Joined SEMA, an Emergency-Disaster Response Alliance

・Sales of SAVE FASHION, SAVE THE TOWN TEE, a new charity T-shirt to support the prevention of the Covid-19

・Sales of SAVE FASHION, SAVE THE TOWN TEE, a new charity T-shirt to support the prevention of the Covid-19

・Support for disaster-stricken areas with the 19th typhoon in the first year of the Reiwa Era and production of the "Reconstruction Support Can Badge presented by ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP."

・Received Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon for Reconstruction Assistance after Typhoon Damage

・July 2018, 2018 : Donations to Okayama, Hiroshima and Ehime Prefectures

・Donated 1% of 10-day ZOZOTOWN sales to support the reconstruction after the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake

・Donated 5% of 4-day ZOZOTOWN sales to support reconstruction from the 2015 Nepalese Earthquake

・2003 Iraq War Charity T-Shirt Sales Total Donation

Support for child-care facilities

We cooperate with child care facilities located in Chiba City as part of our support for the next generation of children. We engage in exchanges, such as participating in events held within facilities, with the aim of engaging in activities that can support children living in various facilities.

Cooperation with special support schools

We cooperate with special support schools as an initiative to employ people with disabilities. Logistics centers ZOZOBASE have many employees with disabilities, and many are hired through collaboration with local support agencies and special support schools. In addition to employment, we plan and implement a variety of initiatives in collaboration.

Collaboration with NPO Organizations

Through the PGA TOUR tournament "ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP," we cooperate with NPO organizations to conduct donation activities.

・PGA TOUR "ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP 2021" charity and volunteers

Support for disaster-stricken areas with the 19th typhoon in the first year of the Reiwa Era and production of the "Reconstruction Support Can Badge presented by ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP."


We conduct a variety of volunteer activities through our business with the aim of "Contribute to sustainable community development," which is one of four Key actions.

・PGA TOUR "ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP 2021" charity and volunteers

・Cleanup Activities around ZOZOBASE Tsukuba Logistics Centers

・Established Sustainable Club, a club that engages in sustainable activities and volunteer activities.

・Participated in a Plogging Event held in Omotesando, Shibuya in Tokyo, to pick up Trash cleanup while Jogging.

Community Investment

We consider materiality "Reinforce cooperation with local communities and development of the next-generation people" is an issue, and we are promoting and investing in regional revitalization from the perspectives of both business activities and social contributions, with "Realization of workplaces and communities where everyone can live their lives with a smile by promoting DE&I" which is one of four Key actions.

Name of organization and candidate Details FY2023 Amount of investment

Chiba Prefecture Disabled Sports Association (General Incorporated Association)
Child Welfare Facility Boso Futaba Academy
Child Welfare Facility Onchou-en
Child Welfare Facility Houyu Kids Home - Social Welfare Corporation Houyu-kai
Social Welfare Corporation Fuku-shi Orchestra
Special Olympics Japan - Chiba
Special Support Schools in Chiba Prefecture (6 schools)
Chiba City Education Future Dream Fund 
Chiba City Out-of-School Education Voucher Project
Chiba Prefecture Child Welfare Facility Council
Chiba University Faculty of Education, Attached Special Support School
Child Welfare Facility Chiba Mirai Hibiki no Mori Academy - Social Welfare Corporation Tensuke-kai
Japan High School & Junior High School Golf Federation
Certified NPO Katariba
Certified NPO Kids Door
Specified Nonprofit Corporation HUG for ALL
Certified NPO Bridge for Smile
Certified NPO ReBit

First Tee Japan 

Donation through PGA TOUR tournament "ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP" 38,035,354 yen
Ishikawa Prefecture Donation through 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake 5,000,000 yen
Certified NPO ReBit  Donation through Pride Month Initiatives 250,000 yen
public interest incorporated association MarriageFor          Donation through Pride Month Initiatives         250,000 yen
Other 578,272 yen

Through the PGA TOUR Tournament "ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP 2023," Approximately 38 Million Yen Donated                    
2024 Pride Month Initiatives                  

Improving Service Quality

We cooperate with special support schools as an initiative to employ people with disabilities. Logistics centers ZOZOBASE have many employees with disabilities, and many are hired through collaboration with local support agencies and special support schools. In addition to employment, we plan and implement a variety of initiatives in collaboration.

Sales of the Breads Manufactured by Students of Special-Needs Schools at ZOZOBASE Logistics Center

We aim to further improve customer satisfaction by providing high-quality, safe, and reliable products and services.

Product Management and Packaging

In order to keep our brands' valuable products in custody and meet the expectations of customers who purchase them, we constantly check staff management, work procedures, and flow as needed, maintain our quality as stipulated, and further improve quality.

Utilizing Customer Feedback

Based on the philosophy of "becoming friends with customers," ZOZOTOWN Customer Support Center listens carefully to the voice of customers with a hope to realize the philosophy. In recognition of this customer support operation, in March 2022 we became the first in the apparel industry to obtain the highest rating, the Five-Star Certification, for the HDI Five-Star Certification Program for HDI-Japan, which evaluates center operations, for the third consecutive time (*). The opinions we receive from customers and the results of customer satisfaction surveys are visualized and analyzed by an analytical team within ZOZOTOWN Customer Support Center. The analysis results lead to improvements in response quality and FAQ, and self-resolution through AI Chat BOT, and we strive to improve response quality and convenience. In addition, important information is reported to the divisions in charge and senior management, and improvement activities are promoted primarily based on customer opinions.

※The certification is valid for two years, we undergo audits every two years, and we have obtained "5 Star Certification" three times in a row since 2017.

Acquired ISO 14001 Certification, ISO 45001 Certification, and QMS Certification (ISO 9001 Certification)

We have developed a production support service Made by ZOZO that produces an appropriate amount of products in accordance with demand that only produces goods after receiving customer orders and provides it to our business partner brands. In addition, our Chinese affiliate factory conducts "Made by ZOZO" production, has acquired ISO 14001 Certification, ISO 45001 Certification, and QMS Certification (ISO 9001 Certification).

Group Company Information Location Year and month of certification

ISO Certification

Marketing Activities

We are committed to responsible marketing activities that respect the rights, creditworthiness, and reputation of others. Through adherence to relevant laws, internal regulations, and in-house training, we ensure that our content and expressions do not infringe on these aspects and do not lead to misunderstandings or discomfort.

Advertising Activities

When engaging in advertising and promotional activities, our company is mindful of the ethical aspects of the content (such as human rights, environmental concerns, confidential information, intellectual property rights, and personal information). In collaboration with our legal department, we adhere to various laws like the "Copyright Law," the "Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations," and industry guidelines. We also take into consideration feedback from past users and various stakeholders to avoid misunderstandings or discomfort. As a result, there were no violations of any laws regarding advertising and promotion in the fiscal year 2022.

Advertising Screening System

In order to provide users with more useful advertisements and a better advertising experience, we are working not only to improve the value of our advertising media, but also to enhance the reliability of our advertising methods and advertisements themselves.
ZOZOTOWN has an advertising plan that has established advertising and operational standards for the content, display, and expression of advertisements. Advertisements will not be posted if the advertiser's industry and the advertised products or services are deemed to be in violation of the standards of the terms and conditions established by the Company. In addition, we will screen advertisements to ensure that they do not violate laws and regulations or offend public order and morals before deciding whether or not to publish them, or to change the content of the advertisements.

Posting and operational criteria