July 13, 2018
Notice Concerning Detail Fix of Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
June 26, 2018
Notice Concerning Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition
May 31, 2018
Notice Concerning Introduction of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Introduction of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition
May 31, 2018
Notice Concerning Surplus Dividends
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
May 23, 2018
Notice Concerning Results fo Repurchase of Own Shares through ToSTNeT-2 and Completion of Share Repurchase
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Repurchase of Own Shares through ToSTNeT-2 Off-Hours Trading System
May 21, 2018
Notice Concerning the Change of the Company’s Trade Name and Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
April 27, 2018
Today's Timely Disclosure
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Regarding Repurchase of Shares
Announcement of Recording of Extraordinary Loss
Announcement of Calling Off the Execution of the Call Option Agreement with Stretchsense Limited
April 27, 2018
FY2017 Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results FY2017
Please see the document below and “Additional Comment” for further details.
FY2017 Result Summary(Additional comments)
CEO Presentations
Medium-term Management Plan (3 Years)
This is just a brief note to let you know that our results briefing of the FY2017 for analysts and institutional investors will be held at 16:30 today.
Youtube video of the results briefing will be distributed simultaneously as well.
It is available on the following URL from 16:30. If you have a moment, please visit the website.
Please click here to see the relay broadcasting of the results briefing.
START TODAY CO., LTD. will be disclosing its consolidated business results for FY2017 and its first 3-year medium-term management plan since establishment of the company, on April 27, 2018 at 16:00 (scheduled). The disclosing documents will be available on our website (https://www.starttoday.jp/ir/) immediately after they are disclosed through TDnet. Also at the results briefing starting from 16:30 (Japan Time) on the same day, CEO Yusaku Maezawa is planning to make a presentation explaining the above plan (including future distribution of “ZOZOSUIT” and 3-year plan of the private brand “ZOZO”).
January 31, 2018
FY2017 Q3 Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results FY2017 Q3
Please see the document below and “Additional Comment” for further details.
Result Summary(Additional comments)
This is just a brief note to let you know that our results briefing of the FY2017 Q3 for analysts and institutional investors will be held at 17:00 today.
Youtube video of the results briefing will be distributed simultaneously as well.
It is available on the following URL from 17:00. If you have a moment, please visit the website.
Please click here to see the relay broadcasting of the results briefing.
October 30, 2017
FY2017 Q2 Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results FY2017 Q2
Please see the document below and “Additional Comment” for further details.
Result Summary(Additional comments)
This is just a brief note to let you know that our results briefing of the FY2017 Q2 for analysts and institutional investors will be held at 17:00 today.
Youtube video of the results briefing will be distributed simultaneously as well.
It is available on the following URL from 17:00. If you have a moment, please visit the website.
Please click here to see the relay broadcasting of the results briefing.
July 31, 2017
FY2017 Q1 Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results FY2017 Q1
Please see the document below and “Additional Comment” for further details.
Result Summary(Additional comments)
This is just a brief note to let you know that our results briefing of the FY2017 Q1 for analysts and institutional investors will be held at 17:00 today.
Youtube video of the results briefing will be distributed simultaneously as well. It is available on the following URL from 17:00. If you have a moment, please visit the website.
Please click here to see the relay broadcasting of the results briefing.
April 28, 2017
FY2016 Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results FY2016.
Please see the document below and “Additional Comment” for further details.
Result Summary(Additional comments)
This is just a brief note to let you know that our results briefing of the FY2016 for analysts and institutional investors will be held at 17:00 today.
Youtube video of the results briefing will be distributed simultaneously as well. It is available on the following URL from 17:00. If you have a moment, please visit the website.
Please click here to see the relay broadcasting of the results briefing.
January 31, 2017
FY2016 Q3 Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results FY2016 Q3.
Please see the attached document and “Investor relations” for further details.
FY2016 Q3 Business Results
Result Summary(Additional comments)
This is just a brief note to let you know that our results briefing of the FY2016 3Q for analysts and institutional investors will be held at 17:00 today.
Youtube video of the results briefing will be distributed simultaneously as well. It is available on the following URL from 17:00. If you have a moment, please visit the website.
Please click here to see the relay broadcasting of the results briefing.
View archived videos here