September 2, 2019
Notice Concerning Group Organizational Restructure(Absorption-type Company Split between Subsidiaries and Absorption-type Merger with Subsidiary)
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Group Organizational Restructure
(Absorption-type Company Split between Subsidiaries and Absorption-type Merger with Subsidiary)
July 30, 2019
FY2019 Q1 Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results for FY2019 Q1.
Please see the document below.
Consolidated Financial Results For the First Quarter for Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2020 [JGAAP]
Results briefing presentation materials
Online Presentation
June 25, 2019
Notice Concerning Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition
May 28, 2019
Today's Timely Disclosure
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Dividends of Surplus
Notice Concerning Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
Notice Concerning Candidates for Directors, Corporate Auditor and Substitute Corporate Auditor
April 25, 2019
Today's Timely Disclosure
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning the Recording of Extraordinary Loss
Notice Concerning Introduction of Executive Officer System and Executive Appointment
April 25, 2019
FY2018 Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results for FY2018.
Please see the document below.
Consolidated Financial Results For r the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2019 [JGAAP]
Results briefing presentation materials
Online Presentation
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning the Conclusion of a Commitment Line Agreement
February 21, 2019
Announcement on Media Reports on Financial Results of ZOZO, Inc.
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Announcement on Media Reports on Financial Results of ZOZO, Inc.
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Revision of Consolidated Business Forecast and Year-end Dividend
January 31, 2019
FY2018 3Q Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results FY2018 3Q.
Please see the document below.
Consolidated Financial Results For the Third Quarter Ended December 31, 2018 [JGAAP]
Results briefing presentation materials
Online Presentation
October 31, 2018
FY2018 2Q Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results FY2018 2Q.
Please see the document below.
Consolidated Financial Results For the Second Quarter Ended September 30, 2018 [JGAAP]
Results briefing presentation materials
Online Presentation
July 31, 2018
FY2018 1Q Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results FY2018 1Q.
Please see the document below and “Additional Comment” for further details.
Consolidated Financial Results For the First Quarter Ended June 30, 2018 [JGAAP]
FY2018 1Q Financial Information
Online Presentation
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning the Change in Consolidated Subsidiary’s Trade Name
July 13, 2018
Notice Concerning Detail Fix of Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
June 26, 2018
Notice Concerning Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition