April 28, 2020
FY2019 Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results for FY2019.
Please see the document below.
Consolidated Financial Results For the the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2020 [JGAAP]
【Online Presentation】
April 22, 2020
Notice Concerning Revision of Consolidated Business Forecast for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2020
We have disclosed the following press release.
For detail, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Revision of Consolidated Business Forecast for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2020
We have disclosed the following press release.
For detail, please refer to the following URL.
January 31, 2020
FY2019 Q3 Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results for FY2019 Q3.
Please see the document below.
Results briefing presentation materials
Online Presentation
Concept Movie
Japanese only
January 28, 2020
Notice Concerning Establishment of Nomination and Remuneration Consultatory Committee
We have disclosed the following press release.
For detail, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Establishment of Nomination and Remuneration Consultatory Committee
We have disclosed the following press release.
For detail, please refer to the following URL.
Notice of the Resolution for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Announcement of Date and Agenda of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
December 20, 2019
Notice Concerning Change in Parent Company
We have disclosed the following press release.
For detail, please refer to the following URL.
December 13, 2019
Notice Concerning Group Organizational Restructure (Absorption-type Company Split between Subsidiaries and Absorption-type Merger with Subsidiary)
We have disclosed the following press release.
For detail, please refer to the following URL.
November 14, 2019
Announcement of Setting of Record Date for Convocation of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
We have disclosed the following press release.
For detail, please refer to the following URL.
November 14, 2019
Announcement of Results of Tender Offer for Shares of the Company by Z Holdings Corporation and Changes in Parent Companies and the Largest and Major Shareholders
We have disclosed the following press release.
For detail, please refer to the following URL.
October 31, 2019
FY2019 Q2 Financial Results
We have disclosed the business results for FY2019 Q2.
Please see the document below.
Consolidated Financial Results For the Second Quarter for Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2020 [JGAAP]
Results briefing presentation materials
Online Presentation
October 31, 2019
Notice Concerning the Recording of Loss on Valuation of Investment Securities (Extraordinary Loss)
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning the Recording of Loss on Valuation of Investment Securities (Extraordinary Loss)
October 18, 2019
Notice Concerning Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options with Stock Price Condition
September 27, 2019
Announcement of Opinion Regarding the Tender Offer for the Company’s Shares by Yahoo Japan Corporation
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
September 12, 2019
Today's Timely Disclosure
We have disclosed the following press release.
For details, please refer to the following URL.
Notice Concerning Change of Representative Director and Resignation of Director
ZOZO, Inc. held an analysts briefing session following the timely disclosure regarding “Announcement of Opinion Regarding Planned Commencement of the Tender Offer for the Company’s shares by Yahoo Japan Corporation and Execution of the Capital and Business Alliance Agreement with Yahoo Japan Corporation”. For Q&A summary of the session, please access to the following links: