IR News

We have disclosed the following press release. 

For details, please refer to the following URL.


Notice Concerning Dividends of Surplus

Notice Concerning Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation


We have disclosed the following press release. 

For details, please refer to the following URL.

Notice concerning revision of year-end dividend forecast

We have disclosed the following press release. 

For details, please refer to the following URL.


Notice Concerning Appointment of an Executive Officer


We have disclosed the following press release. 

For details, please refer to the following URL.


Notice Concerning the Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation Plan

Notice Concerning Controlling Shareholders, etc.

We have disclosed the following press release. 

For details, please refer to the following URL.


Notice of Convocation of the 23rd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

April 27, 2021

FY2020 Financial Results

We have disclosed the business results for FY2020.

Please see the document below.

Consolidated Financial Results For the the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2021 [JGAAP]

FY2020 Consolidated Business Results

Minutes of QA Sessions


【Online Presentation】

The materials and live distribution URL are as follows.

Results briefing presentation materials


*Please note the beginning 5 minutes of the live-streaming video is unavailable. The explanation is from P7 of the results briefing presentation material.

We have disclosed the following press release. 

For details, please refer to the following URL.


Notice concerning revision of year-end dividend forecast





We have disclosed the following press release. 

For details, please refer to the following URL.


Notice concerning the conclusion of fixed-term building lease agreement

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