Dividend Policy

Shareholders Return・Dividend Policy

As for profit return to shareholders, our group has a basic policy for deliberating and implementing profit return by balancing internal reserve through comprehensive consideration of business performance, financial status, future business, and investment plans.

The Company's basic policy on dividends of surplus is either once per fiscal year, at the end of the fiscal year, or twice per fiscal year, including interim dividends. Decisions on these dividends of surplus are made by the Board of Directors.


We re-examined based on the analysis of the current situation and future forecasts, based on a request by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. in the “Action to Implement Management that is Conscious of Cost of Capital and Stock Price” announced on March 31, 2023. Our group has been maintaining high return on equity however, we deemed maintaining the current level of consolidated dividend payout ratio will lower capital efficiency in the future. Thus, we set out a policy to actively return surplus funds even more to our shareholders. Specifically, the Company will aim to achieve a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 70%.

・Revision of year-end dividend forecast(Announced on April 30, 2024)

In the “Notice concerning revision of year-end dividend forecast and decision of dividend from surplus (interim dividend),” which was announced on October 31, 2023, we had forecasted a dividend of 98 yen per share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024. However, we have revised this dividend to 104 yen per share after comprehensive consideration of the business performance of this fiscal year, future business and investment plans, and other factors.
We will continue to maintain a healthy financial position as well as further improve corporate value and decide the amount of internal reserve and profit return by taking future business expansion, etc., into consideration.

 Annual dividends (yen)
End of Q2Year-endTotal
Previous forecast
(Announced on October
  49.00 98.00
Revised forecast(Annouunce on April 30,2024)

  55.00 104.00
Current fiscal year
Previous fiscal year
(FYE March 2023)
24.00 41.00 65.00

・Divident forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025(Announced on April 30,

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, we plan to pay an annual dividend of 107 yen per share, based on a consolidated payout ratio of 70%.

 Annual dividends (yen)Payout ratio (Consolidated)
End of Q2Year-endTotal

FYE March 2025


53.00 54.00 107.00 70.3%
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