
"Integrated Report Portal" Is Opened

July 27, 2022

"Integrated Report Portal" Is Opened

In July 2022, we has newly opened an “Integrated Report Portal” on its corporate website. This integrated portal provides a comprehensive overview of financial and non-financial information for a wide range of stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, to understand ZOZO Group's business management and corporate activities.

The integrated portal publishes messages from SAWADA Kotaro - Representative Director, President & CEO, and YANAGISAWA Koji - Director, Executive Vice President & CFO regarding the importance in both sustainability and corporate growth, and the direction of the company’s future growth, as well as our value creation strategy.

We will continue to use this portal as a tool for constructive communications with our stakeholders, we envision a new era of fashion that will improve our environment and society, and continue working towards realizing our corporate philosophy, "Inspire the world. Deliver joy every day."

Publication date
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Management message, business outline, value creation strategy, initiatives to promote sustainability, etc.


Related Links
"Integrated Report Portal" Is Opened - Comprehensively Disclosing Financial and Non-Financial Information, Strategies and Objectives